Network of Catholic Sisters Communicators (NCSC)
Religious sisters are a key component of the Catholic Church in the special missionary activity of the Church, namely evangelization.
Our featured stories...
Sr Elizabeth Kanini, SSJ Sister's Impact
More VIDEOSSisters rescued him from the streets/His life changed forever at Grandsons of Abraham Rescue Centre
More VideosRestoring a Stolen Dignity / A Story of betrayal / The exceptional service of Good Shepherd Sisters
Learn moreSr. "Michelle Njeri OSF
Sr. Lydia Mukari Okang'a - Sisters of Mary of Kakamega (SMK)
More VideosSr. Jacqueline Nanjala Muchuma, SSJ Mombasa
More VideosFoc. Marie Florence BAMVUGINYUMVIRA Communication Office- Cittadella Mariapolis Piero, Kenya
More Videos"The Silent Witness " Sr. Prof. Agnes Lucy Lando PhD
More VideosSr Bridgita Samba Mawasi (SSJ)
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Our activities overview
We endeavour to keep telling our own stories and contribution to evangelization.

This project, sponsored and coordinated by the Catholic Sisters Initiative of the Conrad N. Hilton Foundation, seeks to assist and improve the process and content of communications by Catholic sisters in Africa regarding their ministries and integrate communications strategy into the equity and advocacy plans of the Initiative.

Our Sisters & their missionary stories

During the book launch

Hilton Foundation bringing together Srs in the Communication field

We seek to identify the sisters in the Social Communication Ministry and enable them to tell their own stories.

When this capacity is built, they will be able to help other sisters in different apostolates be able to tell their own stories as well .

Sr. Lydia

Sr. Florence

Sr. Brigitta

Sr. Prof. Lando